New students are sent a clothing list, detailing the articles to be brought to School by each child. Parent must ensure that no more and no less than the articles required are sent with the child. We encourage a sense of equality and parents are advised not to send any expensive personal items to school with their children, since the school will not, under any circumstances, take responsibility for the loss of any such items.
There are two School terms each year from April to September and from October to March. A child joining or leaving during the currency of a term has to pay the full term's fees.
The School lays emphasis on self-discipline for, without discipline it is not possible to achieve excellence in any field. Discipline is not harsh or humiliating and corporal punishment is not permitted. It is our aim to imbibe in each student a sense of good manners and behavior and to foster a sense of cooperation and respect for elders. However, keeping the interest of the entire student body in mind, it will be necessary to punish cases of anti social behavior. In extreme or repeated cases of indiscipline, the School may, for the well-being of the entire community, be forced to expel a student. In such case (s), the decision of the Principal will be final.
Parents withdrawing their child during the currency of a Term will not be entitled to any refund of fee. Parents who decide to discontinue the education of a child from the next term must give due notice in writing to reach the Principal not less than 30 days before the start of the next term. Failing this, the fee for next quarter has to be paid.
Any disputes or claims of any nature whatsoever will be subject to the jurisdiction of the DehraDun Court alone.