Our Activities

Horse riding

Horse-riding is an exceptionally rewarding activity that children wait for the whole year. Aside from the obvious benefits of good physical exercise in the great outdoors, horse riding installs many other intrinsic qualities in our kids, including:-

  • A life long love of horses that brings different rewards at different stages of childhood
  • An inspiring and positive reason to keep active
  • Good co-ordination and balance skills
  • Improved social skills
  • Confidence - learning to ride and care for an animal that's twice their size can really empower children

Clay Modeling

The students of the school understand this fact and are devoted in doing everything they can to keep the art alive. The students are taught the holistic process from preparing the clay for modeling to getting the desired result with or without using the potter's wheel to the art of drying the models in the sun and in the oven. They members display their models during the exhibitions and prizes are given away to the best models.

Other Activities

The school gives other workshops on paper Mache, tie – die, mushroom cultivation, computer hardware, cyber security, time management, stress handling, etc. Children eagerly wait for the workshop month.


Various conferences are conducted every year by students. Last year’s conferences were such as Panchtatva, Drink & Drug, Health & Life Style, Gender Sensitivity, Indian Constitution & so on. Children from different schools are invited to attend the conference. The guest speakers are always the renowned personalities, working on the topic.

Adventure trips

Every year the students are taken for a adventure camp. So far they have been taken for a trekking camp to ABVIMAS near Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh, NIM, Panchmarhi, MP on an adventure cum Leadership training Course & Pangoot, Nanital for rope courses &bird watching.

These trips are conducted to enhance a sense of environmental awareness, self-esteem and comradeship. The program includes Para - sailing, flying fox, horse riding, rock climbing, rappelling, trekking and rope courses. They visited the most fascinating sights of Panchmarhi.

Many children have received National Certificates for excellent performance in these camps. These trips are always very exciting and memorable. 

Cultural & Educational Tours

The children always wait for the annual educational tours conducted in the month of may. Every year the school represents the Uttarakhand state in the National Integration Camps conducted in the southern part of the country. It is always fun to visit , various places of historical interest, amusement parks and beaches of South India.
